Sunday, September 4, 2011

Tropical Storm Lee

So, it's raining. I don't mean a little. I mean it's really, really raining. My plan was to go visit family this weekend, as my birthday is tomorrow. Instead, I'm home. But my house isn't flooding and my power isn't out, so I'm doing better than a lot of families in the area.
We are using this indoor opportunity to organize our house and check off a few projects. Unfortunately, when you say project, I think BUILD, and it's way too wet out for that. So, I'm cleaning and planning to build instead.
I have, however, built a few things that I haven't posted about and thought, since I can't build, I can share.
Project number 1: Tv and game/book storage for my son. Found a plan for a modular desk on and applied my needed measurements. It was my first big build with my new toys..err tools.

Project number 2: Creating a desk for myself. had an extra solid wood door hanging our and decided to get crafty. Cut, ad legs, finish, and VOILA!

Project number 3: Bookshelf to go with said table/desk/door...made from scraps from other two projects.

I also outfitted my oldest son's closet and my husband's closet. Mine is next.

The Hub is now up and ready for coffee rambling....more to come later.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

A year...

So, this started purely as a cooking blog. I had some new recipes and was having lots of luck with my yummies, so I thought I'd share it. But then, I looked up and an entire year had passed since I'd last posted. While I'm still cooking (my husband would disagree), I'm also doing many other things and so this blog is sort of naturally changing in what it means to me.
In the past year since my last post, I've started school, finished a year with a 4.0 gpa, done several renovations on my home, and discovered a love for power tools. So, while I may still share recipes from time to time, my upcoming posts will also show reno projects and the furniture and projects that the power tools have created.
Now, let's try this blogging thing again.................