Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A little time off and building ambition

Reader beware- I am not a cook. I have never had a lesson, nor did I have the kind of Mom who taught me those things. I am a domestic fumbler. Everything with me is trial and error. In fact, I have no idea why I am currently blogging, having never done that before either.
Having said what I'm not, let me tell you what I am.
I am a 31yr old wife and Mom to two boys. I recently left my job to restore some sanity to our household. We are renovating our home so I'm not exactly left bored. Being the great procrastinator that I am, I've never really spent much time in the kitchen. My husband is an amazing cook and so I just figured I'd leave it to him. However, I've talked about baking so often over the years, that he has continually given me baking equipment for holidays.
I recently saw a documentary called Food, Inc. Unfortunately, prior to that day, I was oblivious about food. "Eats like a trucker" is my hubs description of my dietary habits. NOW I can't ignore what I've learned. I'm reading "The Omnivore's Dilemma", by Michael Pollan. Feeling better and worse about my food.
So, here I go....
I've got my organic ingredients, my big fancy baking stuff, Alton Brown's cookbook (great tips!), and a newly acquired food conscience. Wish me luck! Favorite recipes are welcome!
I'll post progress and favorite recipes. Maybe I can even snap a pic of the look on my husband's face when he's SAYING it's good, but offering suggestions for changing it.

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